Jet Stream Crosses Equator, Unprecedented?


Unprecedented?  Jet Stream Crosses Equator // Published on Jun 28, 2016

The jet stream in the Northern Hemisphere has crossed the equator and joined up with the jet stream in the Southern Hemisphere. This is new behaviour, and indicates that climate system mayhem is ongoing.


Our  climate system behaviour continues to behave in new and scary ways that we have never anticipated, or seen before.


Welcome to climate chaos. We must declare a global climate emergency.


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About paulbeckwith

Well known climate science educator; Part-time Geography professor (climatology, oceanography, environmental issues), University of Ottawa. Physicist. Engineer. Master's Degree in Science in Laser Optics, Bachelors of Engineering, in Engineering Physics. Won Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario gold medal. Also interested in investment and start-ups in climate solutions, renewable energy and energy efficiency. Avid chess player, and likes restoring old homes. Married with children.
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215 Responses to Jet Stream Crosses Equator, Unprecedented?

  1. Ray says:

    Part I

    “Aphan wrote:
    I appreciate your responses.
    First, I’m not saying that we have to debate every single issue before we act at all. I’m saying, that the Scientific Method requires the elimination of every other possibility BEFORE one puts forth a declarative theory saying “This happens because of this”, the reverse of what happened when CO2 was hypothesized to drive Earth’s climate. And how exactly do we “act” correctly, if we do not correctly understand the system we mean to act upon?”

    Positive statements in the world of science generally don’t hold up well. In order to eliminate every possibility we would need to know everything about it. That’s why science has only theories and considers data to be evidence and not proof.

    “Aphan wrote:
    I hope to keep this discussion as scientifically correct as possible, so first:The Sun is the primary, in fact, sole mechanism that warms the Earth. Period. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere prevent Earth from daily wild temperature swings between extremely hot, and extremely cold like the Moon experiences (because it has no atmosphere). Earth’s atmosphere is a buffer…that keeps massive amounts of the Sun’s energy from cooking us during the day, as well as slowing down the rate that the Earth cools off, at night. But the Sun is the sole source of Earth’s daily heat except for a very small amount of heat that radiates outward from Earth’s inner core. If the Sun went out tomorrow, greenhouse gases would not even be able to “maintain” today’s current warmth for 24 hours, and temps would rapidly drop to far below zero.”

    Of course the heat comes from the sun, but that doesn’t change the fact that the main way the Earth heats itself is by releasing greenhouse gases (GHGs) to capture more of the suns radiation. I think we can both agree the Earth does not cause the sun to get hotter right?

    “Aphan wrote:
    Yes, the Earth has experienced major extinctions before, and greenhouse gases certainly change during them. But science has a principle that states “Correlation is not causation”. Simply because two things occur at once, or nearly at once, does not mean that they share a causal or cause–> effect relationship. Sediment and ice core records show temperatures moving before CO2 levels do. Changes in temp have always preceded changes in CO2.”

    Again that positive statement makes it untrue. Words like “always” and “every” are dangerous. In many cases a spike in GHGs precedes a spike in temperature:

    It’s well established that GHGs such as CO2 cause the Earth’s temperature to rise. Sometimes correlation is because of causation. You have to understand that it only takes a very slight increase in the Earth’s average temperature for greenhouse gases to be released. Whenever the sun gets slightly hotter, or the Earth’s orbit shifts a little, or some other cosmic event happens that causes a slight warming of the Earth, the temperature will rise first and thereby release the GHGs which cause a further rise in temperature.


    • Aphan says:

      I agree with the concept of “positive statements” such as always and every usually don’t hold up well, but that doesn’t mean they can’t. For example, as of today and all of the research I’ve seen, I can state “Every research paper I’ve read to date, demonstrates deglacial warming is triggered by something other than CO2 increases, and that temperatures begin rising prior to CO2 increases “. Including the one you linked to.

      It states on page 52, under the heading “The trigger for declacial warming”-
      “The proxy database provides an opportunity to explore what triggers deglacial warming. Substantial change at all latitudes, as well as a net global warming of 0.3C precedes the initial increase in CO2 concentration at 17.5Kyr ago, suggesting that CO2 did not initiate deglacial warming.”

      and from skepticalsience-a closer look at what Shakun et al 2012 actually says-

      Exactly what scientists actually say in their papers is important, and often people interpret them to mean something that the scientists never actually said. For example, Shakun et al 2012 uses words like “support” “suggest” “may” “uncertainties” and “exceptions” and is far more nuanced than it’s title would suggest.

      “Of course the heat comes from the sun, but that doesn’t change the fact that the main way the Earth heats itself is by releasing greenhouse gases (GHGs) to capture more of the suns radiation. I think we can both agree the Earth does not cause the sun to get hotter right? ”

      You are giving the Earth anthropomorphic characteristics when you say “the Earth heats itself by…”. Earth doesn’t have the ability to “do something for itself” like release GHG’s in order to “capture” more of the Sun’s radiation and “warm itself”. It’s not sentient. Earth HAS an atmosphere because of several mechanisms such as gravity, mass, pressure etc, and is unique because of what Earth is made of, the particular gasses it releases, volcanic activity and it’s oceans. That our atmosphere works the way it does because of all those factors working together in just the right way. Earth’s atmosphere today is very different from the one’s it’s had in the past:

      Changes in planetary orbit force changes by tilting Earth so that it’s land masses get more direct Sunlight than it’s oceans or reflective ice sheets do. Since land masses are capable of heating up faster than oceans or ice, more exposed land mass getting more direct Sunlight means more of the Sun’s radiation is absorbed which causes warming. Warming Earth releases CO2 and water vapor and methane and other gasses from it’s land masses, it’s melting ice and it’s oceans (CO2 storage is greater in cold water vs warm, and ice locks it up ). These things enter the atmosphere again (where they were before) and slow down the rate at which the warming again Earth can cool itself by releasing energy directly to space.

      The ONLY WAY-hence the MAIN WAY, that Earth’s land and oceans heat is by absorbing solar energy from the Sun. Period. Warming Earth and oceans release MORE GHG’s which can then absorb more of the heat EMITTED by the Earth as it COOLS. Thus increased GHG’s do not “capture more of the Sun’s radiation” at all….they capture more of the Earth’s radiation. And in order for Earth to emit that radiation, it must be COOLING. It’s a law of physics that as the temperature of an object increases, so does the amount of energy it radiates back out, up to the 4th power of the increase. Warmer Earth=more radiation from Earth into the atmosphere that can be absorbed and emitted by GHGs.

      “It’s well established that GHGs such as CO2 cause the Earth’s temperature to rise. Sometimes correlation is because of causation. You have to understand that it only takes a very slight increase in the Earth’s average temperature for greenhouse gases to be released. Whenever the sun gets slightly hotter, or the Earth’s orbit shifts a little, or some other cosmic event happens that causes a slight warming of the Earth, the temperature will rise first and thereby release the GHGs which cause a further rise in temperature.”

      “It’s not at all well established that GHG’s such as Co2 cause the Earth’s temperature to rise.”

      Is that a “positive statement”? Those don’t hold up well remember? Where has that been well established?

      Heat in the atmosphere is not “additional energy” that you can just mysteriously “add” to the Sun’s heat energy and magically make the Earth warmer somehow. The ONLY way that GHG’s can be heated in the first place is if the Earth GIVES OFF HEAT into the atmosphere FIRST. (and that energy MUST come from the Sun before that) When giving off heat, the earth MUST (by the laws of physics) COOL-and the heat enters the atmosphere. In order for the atmosphere to heat the Earth, earth MUST (by the laws of physics) be COOLER than the atmosphere. If the atmosphere transfers heat to the planet…the atmosphere cools. Earth and atmosphere EXCHANGE energy introduced into the system by the Sun….the atmosphere does not generate heat on it’s own (is not a heat source), and both Earth/Ocean and Atmospheric temps are driven by the amount of incoming solar energy the Earth absorbs and releases.

      And the affect of CO2 is logarithmic. This means that it takes greater and greater amounts of it to produce the same amount of increase over time. So let’s say that a global doubling of Co2 from 200 ppm to 400 ppm produces a 1C increase in global temps. In order to produce another 1C increase in global temps, CO2 would have to double again, but from 400ppm to 800 ppm. And the next 1C increase would require a doubling from 800ppm to 1600 ppm.


  2. Ray says:

    Part II

    “Aphan wrote:
    One of the worst extinctions occurred at the end of the Permian Era. Scientists are STILL researching what caused it, but as of today, the most likely explanation is that an asteroid, of magnitudes larger than Chicxulub, hit the Wilkes Land region of Antarctica, causing an impact crater 500 kilometers wide now buried more than a mile beneath the ice. The impact was so catastrophic, it could very well be what caused Godwana to break up.

    There are still many questions that need to be answered. Such an impact should have destroyed everything in a matter of days if not sooner, and we know that the Permian extinction lasted at least a few hundred thousand years if not tens of millions of years. There is nowhere near as much evidence for it as there is for the Chicxulub impact.

    “Aphan wrote:
    Something that massive WOULD eject incredible amounts of heat, CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, including carbon monoxide a deadly gas that kills. Between the heat of the asteroid, the cracking of Earth’s crust across the entire globe, the electric storms, fire, ash, and other resulting impact factors, things died…big time. But major catastrophic events cause major disruptions of all of Earth’s systems, not just its levels of CO2. You have to examine ALL the evidence and how things happened together, not separately.”

    Well, I think we can both agree we have not been hit by a large space object in recent times, and yet here we are in the middle of the 6th great extinction. That rules a lot out.

    “Aphan wrote:
    First, snowball earth is a hypothesis. Second, if greenhouse gases are so powerful, how did the Earth become covered with ice in the first place??? And why have Ice Ages started and advanced with levels of Co2 in the atmosphere in the thousands of ppm???? Ice and cooling appear to be more powerful than CO2 because they can overwhelm it’s effects.

    There are many possible causes of snowball Earth. Last I checked we know little about it. Possibly some cosmic event. Possibly some reduction in GHGs. I’d like to see your evidence about the ice ages starting when there is that much CO2 in the atmosphere. That last sentence is not necessarily true. For example our own GHG emissions have warmed the Arctic enough to trigger the clathrate gun.

    “Aphan wrote:
    Correction, Earth has been heating up since the last glacial maximum 20,000 years ago, and long, LONG time before human emissions could have been the cause of the geological long term warming trend. And a good thing for us that it has. But we have ZERO evidence that this planet has calmed down to a point where none of those violent, climate changing, natural events cannot or will not ever happen again. To postulate that human emissions are controlling anything at this point, is simply a weak argument at best.

    Of course I beg to differ. The evidence is overwhelming. We have not been hit by any cosmic event to heat the Earth up in recent times. That rules out everything that we’ve identified so far except GHGs. Also, there have been times in the past 20,000 years when the Earth has cooled for example The Little Ice Age.


    • Aphan says:

      “There are many possible causes of snowball Earth. Last I checked we know little about it.”
      It’s only a hypothesis, and a hotly contested one at that.

      “I’d like to see your evidence about the ice ages starting when there is that much CO2 in the atmosphere.”

      Exactly what I said was- “And why have Ice Ages started and advanced with levels of Co2 in the atmosphere in the thousands of ppm???? ”

      I didn’t say ALL the ice ages, or even “the ice ages”. According to isotopic research etc, Ice Ages have started and advanced with levels of CO2 in the thousands. Comparing the two charts below, we see at 450 Mya, an ice age where CO2 levels were 15 times the rate of the average Holocene

      Phanerozoic CO2 levels-and ice ages

      “For example our own GHG emissions have warmed the Arctic enough to trigger the clathrate gun.”

      IPCC AR5 states that it is “Very unlikely that methane from clathrates will undergo catastrophic release (high confidence)”

      I said Correction, “Earth has been heating up since the last glacial maximum 20,000”
      You said- “Of course I beg to differ. The evidence is overwhelming.”

      Um…yes…yes it i s….that the Earth has been warming since the last glacial maximum 20,000 years ago! Human emissions don’t even come into play until 1880 at the earliest!


      • Ray says:

        “Aphan wrote:
        0.007 C per year is too rapid for species to adapt? Which species? How long do you think most creatures live??? Name ONE animal or species on this planet that does NOT experience a range of temperatures every single day that is hundreds of times that much, if not thousands? ALL of the species where I live experience a range of temps every single day, right now, that ranges from 60 F at night to 100 F during the day. And in the winter, it’s between 5 F and 30 F. That’s a 55 F difference between low temps just in 6 months! Species adapt all the time, or die. The Earth is not warming up too rapidly for any of them.”

        The science is clear that the planet is now heating up far faster than 0.0007 degrees C per year. From 1750 until 2015 the global temperature rose 1 degree C. from 2015 until today it rose 0.5 degree C. In the face of such drastic increases it does no good to talk about averages. We have triggered runaway global warming.

        Arguing that the raising temperature means nothing because animals tolerate temperature swings every day just shows you don’t understand how temperature affects the Earth. The rising temperature leads to habitat destruction. Plants have a hard time thriving in temperatures much over 90 degrees F. Global warming leads to more extreme weather and ocean conditions that destroys habitat. This is all well known by now. Do you really need me to cite all that stuff? The old argument of “Anything can handle a degree or 2 increase” has long been refuted.

        “Aphan wrote:
        Green house gases SLOW the rate at which the Earth can cool itself. That is a totally different scientific process than saying that GHG’s “warm the earth”. If you put a thin blanket over a dead/cold body laying on the ground, would that blanket be able to “heat” it? NO. Now put a heat lamp over that body simulating “day”. That body would warm up a little, but the blanket would actually STOP some of the warmth from the lamp from reaching the body. It would act like “shade” in a sense. Now, turn the lamp off to simulate “night”, the body will instantly begin to cool again, and the blanket will slow down that rate, but no one in their right mind would say that the blanket “leads to a warming of the body”.

        Comparing the atmosphere to putting on a blanket or jacket as a human is idiotic at best, because the human body GENERATES heat, and the blanket or jacket then “traps” that heat and keeps it closer to the body. But a blanket or jacket does not CREATE heat. They don’t generate heat that wasn’t already there in the first place. And the Earth’s “body temperature” is roughly -20 C without the Sun. So putting a blanket around something that cold would not lead to it becoming “warm” would it?”

        GHGs reduce the heat that escapes the Earth which causes the Earth’s temperature to rise, so yes, GHGs lead to an increase in temperature. A blanket reduces the heat that escapes the body, so yes, putting on a blanket leads to a warmer body. Putting a blanket on a dead body would insulate it from colder temperatures in the same way I insulate my outside pipes in the winter so they don’t freeze. I can say that the insulation leads to the pipes staying warmer in the same way GHGs lead to warmer temperatures. You remind me of the guy that came over to my house to fix the AC. I was sweating away in my house and he refused to say that the AC cooled the house. He insisted on saying the AC removes heat from the air …

        “Aphan wrote:
        The Earth is constantly changing, moving, shifting, and all of the things on it do too. It is impossible and insane to argue as if there was a specific point in time in which one could say: “Right there….that’s when the Earth’s climate was PERFECT in every way, and if NOTHING had changed (based on an irrational assumption that without humans the Earth would have halted in that “perfect” spot forever) it would have remained right there forever. But those darn humans had to come in and release a lot of CO2 and now everything is changing (just like always) but it’s all going to get ruined.” It’s giving some kind of magical and unscientific power to CO2 molecules that doesn’t exist in reality.”

        The evidence is overwhelming that GHGs lead to an increase in temperature. You know the science of how they reduce the heat loss from the Earth and still say it’s impossible. That’s not very logical. The “perfect” climate is the one that the species on the planet have adapted to. When we release the carbon that took the Earth millions of years to store in the ground in a few hundred years there are changes. To say otherwise is unscientific.

        “Aphan wrote:
        Exactly what I said was- “And why have Ice Ages started and advanced with levels of Co2 in the atmosphere in the thousands of ppm???? ”
        I didn’t say ALL the ice ages, or even “the ice ages”. According to isotopic research etc, Ice Ages have started and advanced with levels of CO2 in the thousands. Comparing the two charts below, we see at 450 Mya, an ice age where CO2 levels were 15 times the rate of the average Holocene”

        Here is the explanation for it if you’re interested:

        “Aphan wrote:
        IPCC AR5 states that it is “Very unlikely that methane from clathrates will undergo catastrophic release (high confidence)”

        The IPCC is part of the disinformation campaign. They have refused to acknowledge methane for a long time now, and the temperature has not surprisingly exceeded all of their projections. If you are interested in the truth refer to Arctic news. They get their information from the scientists who have studied the Arctic for decades now:

        “Aphan wrote:
        I said Correction, “Earth has been heating up since the last glacial maximum 20,000”
        You said- “Of course I beg to differ. The evidence is overwhelming.”
        Um…yes…yes it i s….that the Earth has been warming since the last glacial maximum 20,000 years ago! Human emissions don’t even come into play until 1880 at the earliest!”

        I don’t get it. The very chart that you show refutes your own statement. According to the chart the Earth started cooling about 8,000 years ago until about 3 or 4 hundred years ago when it began warming drastically.


  3. Ray says:

    “Aphan wrote:
    I appreciate your responses.
    First, I’m not saying that we have to debate every single issue before we act at all. I’m saying, that the Scientific Method requires the elimination of every other possibility BEFORE one puts forth a declarative theory saying “This happens because of this”, the reverse of what happened when CO2 was hypothesized to drive Earth’s climate. And how exactly do we “act” correctly, if we do not correctly understand the system we mean to act upon?”

    Positive statements in the world of science generally don’t hold up well. In order to eliminate every possibility we would need to know everything about it. That’s why science has only theories and considers data to be evidence and not proof.

    “Aphan wrote:
    I hope to keep this discussion as scientifically correct as possible, so first:The Sun is the primary, in fact, sole mechanism that warms the Earth. Period. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere prevent Earth from daily wild temperature swings between extremely hot, and extremely cold like the Moon experiences (because it has no atmosphere). Earth’s atmosphere is a buffer…that keeps massive amounts of the Sun’s energy from cooking us during the day, as well as slowing down the rate that the Earth cools off, at night. But the Sun is the sole source of Earth’s daily heat except for a very small amount of heat that radiates outward from Earth’s inner core. If the Sun went out tomorrow, greenhouse gases would not even be able to “maintain” today’s current warmth for 24 hours, and temps would rapidly drop to far below zero.”

    Of course the heat comes from the sun, but that doesn’t change the fact that the main way the Earth heats itself is by releasing greenhouse gases (GHGs) to capture more of the suns radiation. I think we can both agree the Earth does not cause the sun to get hotter right?

    “Aphan wrote:
    Yes, the Earth has experienced major extinctions before, and greenhouse gases certainly change during them. But science has a principle that states “Correlation is not causation”. Simply because two things occur at once, or nearly at once, does not mean that they share a causal or cause–> effect relationship. Sediment and ice core records show temperatures moving before CO2 levels do. Changes in temp have always preceded changes in CO2.”

    Again that positive statement makes it untrue. Words like “always” and “every” are dangerous. In many cases a spike in GHGs precedes a spike in temperature:

    It’s well established that GHGs such as CO2 cause the Earth’s temperature to rise. Sometimes correlation is because of causation. You have to understand that it only takes a very slight increase in the Earth’s average temperature for greenhouse gases to be released. Whenever the sun gets slightly hotter, or the Earth’s orbit shifts a little, or some other cosmic event happens that causes a slight warming of the Earth, the temperature will rise first and thereby release the GHGs which cause a further rise in temperature.

    “Aphan wrote:
    One of the worst extinctions occurred at the end of the Permian Era. Scientists are STILL researching what caused it, but as of today, the most likely explanation is that an asteroid, of magnitudes larger than Chicxulub, hit the Wilkes Land region of Antarctica, causing an impact crater 500 kilometers wide now buried more than a mile beneath the ice. The impact was so catastrophic, it could very well be what caused Godwana to break up.

    There are still many questions that need to be answered. Such an impact should have destroyed everything in a matter of days if not sooner, and we know that the Permian extinction lasted at least a few hundred thousand years if not tens of millions of years. There is nowhere near as much evidence for it as there is for the Chicxulub impact.

    “Aphan wrote:
    Something that massive WOULD eject incredible amounts of heat, CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, including carbon monoxide a deadly gas that kills. Between the heat of the asteroid, the cracking of Earth’s crust across the entire globe, the electric storms, fire, ash, and other resulting impact factors, things died…big time. But major catastrophic events cause major disruptions of all of Earth’s systems, not just its levels of CO2. You have to examine ALL the evidence and how things happened together, not separately.”

    Well, I think we can both agree we have not been hit by a large space object in recent times, and yet here we are in the middle of the 6th great extinction. That rules a lot out.

    “Aphan wrote:
    First, snowball earth is a hypothesis. Second, if greenhouse gases are so powerful, how did the Earth become covered with ice in the first place??? And why have Ice Ages started and advanced with levels of Co2 in the atmosphere in the thousands of ppm???? Ice and cooling appear to be more powerful than CO2 because they can overwhelm it’s effects.

    There are many possible causes of snowball Earth. Last I checked we know little about it. Possibly some cosmic event. Possibly some reduction in GHGs. I’d like to see your evidence about the ice ages starting when there is that much CO2 in the atmosphere. That last sentence is not necessarily true. For example our own GHG emissions have warmed the Arctic enough to trigger the clathrate gun.

    “Aphan wrote:
    Correction, Earth has been heating up since the last glacial maximum 20,000 years ago, and long, LONG time before human emissions could have been the cause of the geological long term warming trend. And a good thing for us that it has. But we have ZERO evidence that this planet has calmed down to a point where none of those violent, climate changing, natural events cannot or will not ever happen again. To postulate that human emissions are controlling anything at this point, is simply a weak argument at best.

    Of course I beg to differ. The evidence is overwhelming. We have not been hit by any cosmic event to heat the Earth up in recent times. That rules out everything that we’ve identified so far except GHGs. Also, there have been times in the past 20,000 years when the Earth has cooled for example The Little Ice Age.


  4. Nemesis says:

    Who the heck invented the notion, that death, transformation, even extinction is a bad thing? Yes, birth, life, age, desease, death, man, even Love hurts- but death, transformation isn’t a bad thing, in fact, there is just no life without transformation. Exploitation, greed, murderer are very bad things, but death, transformation resp. the free, anarchic flow of life is never a bad thing. Death/life/transformation, these are all the same. But these rich, beasty, old geezers just want to live forever, muhahaha:

    Look at Trump, Buffet, Gates and all these funny rich folks. They are just caricatures of themselves, caricatures of life, they are not real life for sure. What are they striving for with all their funny money ?! Gnahahaha, death will take it all away. And I like that. See all of you there.

    See, I learned this in the ghetto:

    ” Hell is no punishment, it’s just training.”

    – Shunryu Suzuki


  5. Pingback: Is de Jetstream echt aan het veranderen ? | Rene's Wereld

  6. Nemesis says:

    Btw, we got a sweet and huge elephant in the room almost nobody ever talks about- have fun:

    ” Backdraft from the U.S. Military Budget

    … Exact figures are impossible to come by since the carbon emissions of the military are exempt from international reporting due to strong-arming by the US delegation to the Kyoto Convention on Climate Change in 1997 and, later, by an executive order issued by the duplicitous Obama. However, the Pentagon did state that in 2013 it used 90,000,000 barrels of crude oil, which was 80% of the federal government’s total consumption. However, this figure does not include the oil used by its many contractors overseas or by the “defense industry” domestically. Nor does it account for carbon pollution from the acts of war, such as fires from bombings. Researcher Barry Sanders, author of “The Green Zone: The Environmental Costs of Militarism,” describes the Pentagon’s contribution to carbon pollution as “the worst BP oil spill every day.” …

    There can be no economic justice in an economy that is fundamentally unjust, and there can be no effective response to Climate Change without discarding that economy and dismantling the war machine that supports it.

    Lisa Savage, a Code Pink coordinator, elaborated on the 2013 Pentagon carbon contribution that Sonnenblume quotes, saying that if the 90 million barrels of crude oil used that year burned as jet fuel would produce more than 38 million metric tons of CO2, not including the carbon from thousands of bombs and resulting fires. She writes that:

    Corporate media reports on alarming climate change never mention the Pentagon. Newspapers and television stations run puff pieces on air shows like the Navy’s Blue Angels without noting that the jets from a typical show generate about 300,000 pounds of CO2 into the air. A photographer at the Great Maine Air Show in 2012 captured a runway covered with a wall of flames that organizers said was a “simulated bombing.” Carbon generated by burning napalm for entertainment? Unknown.

    But air shows, halftime shows and other displays produce just a bit of the Pentagon’s carbon footprint. With thousands of military bases, fleets of aircraft, trucks and transport ships, legions of contractors and a seemingly endless supply of weapons the Pentagon spews carbon 24/7. And don’t forget the carbon load for cooling the warehouses filled with surveillance equipment used by the Pentagon’s National Security Administration (NSA)…”

    Do you see the elephant in the room ?! It’s an ugly and huge elephant, protecting the system of doom from any grand scale change regarded to CO2 emissions reduction. No, you can’t have the cake and eat it at the very same time- unless you like to die of suffocation. THAT SIMPLE.

    ” Exact figures are impossible to come by since the carbon emissions of the military are exempt from international reporting due to strong-arming by the US delegation to the Kyoto Convention on Climate Change in 1997 and, later, by an executive order issued by the duplicitous Obama…”

    ” Corporate media reports on alarming climate change never mention the Pentagon. Newspapers and television stations run puff pieces on air shows like the Navy’s Blue Angels without noting that the jets from a typical show generate about 300,000 pounds of CO2 into the air…”

    THAT’S extremely funny and schizophrenic, isn’t it ?! 🙂 As long, as the military is running on oil, forget about any grand scale CO2 emissions reduction. That simple.


  7. Nemesis says:

    Like Ray said, “nobody is to blame”:


  8. Pingback: Caos climático por cambio en corrientes de aire ¿Falsa alarma?

  9. Nemesis says:

    I’d like to repeat the following statement from the article above, because it is the ESSENCE of it all:

    ” There can be no economic justice in an economy that is fundamentally unjust, and there can be no effective response to Climate Change without discarding that economy and dismantling the war machine that supports it.”

    The military is the biggest fossil fuel consumer worldwide by far. As long as that problem doesn’t get solved, the problem of anthropogenic climate change can not be solved:

    You can never have a clean, healthy environment through dirty politics, muhahaha. That simple. Do or die.


    • Ray says:

      Let me ask you this Nemesis, what good will blame do now? Do you seek it only for revenge, or do you believe it will lead to a reversal of global warming? Thomas Jefferson once said:

      “Every Generation Needs a New Revolution”

      The time to revolt has past. We needed it generations ago and didn’t get it. Now it’s too late. Revolting without knowing what to get out of it is foolish wouldn’t you say?


      • Nemesis says:

        Ray, don’t you think that those (like ExxonMobil), who missled the public about anthropogenic climate change willingly over many decades, got some little responsibility? Don’t you think, that those, who sold the future of the young generation and the coming generation for funny money, got some little responsibility? Don’t you think, that those, who commit CRIMES are responsible for their crimes? Do you REALLY want to defend ExxonMobil and alike? Have you seen the vid above about “ExxonMobil’s dirty secrets from Indonesia to Nigeria to D.C.”? Do you really want to defend such crimes by saying “what good will blame do now?” ?

        [Ray, amen. Perfectly said by you! dk]

        Do want to say “don’t blame Exxon Mobil for their crimes” to the victims of that crimes?:

        Do you want to say “don’t blame anybody” to one of the most honorable climate scientists, James Hansen and 21 young people, who are afraid of their sold future for very good reasons?:

        Do you? Then you will have to talk to James Hansen et al and you have to talk to the attorneys, who prosecute Exxon Mobil et al. See, talking to me about that crimes will surely not stop these guys from doing their honorable work, right? I am just a nobody without any money or power, so Exxon Mobil et al don’t have to fear my insignificant comments on some blog at all.

        After all:

        What do you think are courts and prosecutors good for? What is jurisdiction good for? Is it for “not blaming anybody”?


      • Ray says:

        Well, Nemesis my friend, if I were dictator of the world things would be different. I would make it so that we have a separation between corporations and state. Allowing corporations to influence national policy when their only purpose is to make money is insane. And yes, the ones who led us down this road would be in prison.

        The thing is I’m not dictator of the world. It’s a matter of understanding that I have 0 power and 0 control over this. It’s a matter of protecting my state of my mind. That’s the wonderful thing about forgiveness. It heals. The wonderful thing about love is it fulfills in a way nothing else can.

        You can spend the rest of your life hating and blaming those who are responsible, or you can realize that it was never given you to do anything about it. Once you let it go it becomes easy to enjoy the good things that civilization brings us and let nature handle it in this world and God in the next.

        Serenity Prayer
        – Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)

        God grant me the serenity
        to accept the things I cannot change;
        courage to change the things I can;
        and wisdom to know the difference.

        Be at peace brother.


      • Nemesis says:


        ” It’s a matter of protecting my state of my mind.”

        Ok, I see. You got peace of mind. Fine. Peace of mind is always a good thing, I can tell that from my very own experience. But what about peace of mind for the victims of criminal acts? See, you don’t answer to my burning questions at all.

        ” Well, Nemesis my friend, if I were dictator of the world things would be different. I would make it so that we have a separation between corporations and state. Allowing corporations to influence national policy when their only purpose is to make money is insane. And yes, the ones who led us down this road would be in prison.”

        I see, so you equal prosecution of crimes with dictorship?

        Sorry, but the very school of the system teached a very different story to me. But again, you need to tell your statement to the attorneys ect, who want to prosecute the crimes of the fossil fuel industries, if you want to stop their investigations. I said that already. You can’t stop them by talking to me, that’s for sure.

        ” The wonderful thing about love is it fulfills in a way nothing else can.”

        Exactly. I am sure, the managers of ExxonMobil et all are full of love and forgiveness (they just accuse/blame members of congress to brake the first amendment of free speech) and have always been full of love. But their prosecuters are not full of love, right?

        ” God grant me the serenity
        to accept the things I cannot change;
        courage to change the things I can;
        and wisdom to know the difference.”

        I heard that often, especially, when injustice happened. No matter what, I guarantee:

        This prayer will not save anybody from anthropogenic climate change. And I guarantee this:

        God will not save anybody from anthropogenic climate change. Countless people died because of anthropogenic climate change already and nobody saved them from dying. When I listen to Mother Nature, she says:

        Grow up, make progress and take responsibility for your very own actions or die.

        I dedicate this wonderful prayer to Exxon Mobil et al:

        ” God grant me the serenity
        to accept the things I cannot change;
        courage to change the things I can;
        and wisdom to know the difference.”


      • Nemesis says:

        You trust in god for love? Don’t worry, love will prevail.



      • Ray says:

        “Nemesis says:
        I see, so you equal prosecution of crimes with dictatorship?”

        No, it’s more about establishing sound laws and enforcing them. The dictator of the world was just to show that I have no control over it.

        ”Nemesis wrote:
        Exactly. I am sure, the managers of ExxonMobil et all are full of love and forgiveness (they just accuse/blame members of congress to brake the first amendment of free speech) and have always been full of love. But their prosecutors are not full of love, right?”

        If you tie your state of mind to others you’ll never have peace for long.

        ”Nemesis wrote:
        I heard that often, especially, when injustice happened. No matter what, I guarantee:
        This prayer will not save anybody from anthropogenic climate change. And I guarantee this:
        God will not save anybody from anthropogenic climate change. Countless people died because of anthropogenic climate change already and nobody saved them from dying. When I listen to Mother Nature, she says:
        Grow up, make progress and take responsibility for your very own actions or die.”

        The thing you have to understand is that nature is a serial killer. No matter what we do it kills us. If fossil fuels had never been discovered we would go extinct like every other species. For example 70,000 years ago we were hunter/gathers. We lived in harmony with nature and nature killed us faster than today. Average lifespan was about 30 years old. Then, Toba erupted and nearly caused us to go extinct. So, this worldly experience that we are having has always been an impossible situation. Extinction is a natural event. We’ve always been damned if we do damned if we don’t.

        I’ve come to see this world as a pit stop along the way of a long journey. Let’s say I drove from LA to New York. Along the way I might stop off at a motel. I would want to be a good guest. I wouldn’t want to trash the place, but if the management had rules in place that could only trash the place, and so the place gets trashed, you know what, it’s only a motel. Those are not my rules, and it’s not my final destination.

        It’s interesting to note that when we look at the major religions and Spiritualities of the world they are all about going someplace better when we pass. None that I’ve heard of say live forever here on Earth. Our time here is brief. It’s no more than a pit stop. There are forces that we have no control over, and nature is an inherently impossible situation, so, why stress it? We have better places to be, and we will soon be back on the road again. To go on hating the management for trashing the motel makes no sense right? It was never about the motel.



    • Nemesis says:


      “The thing you have to understand is that nature is a serial killer.”

      No, She is no serial killer. See the definition of a serial killer:

      ” A serial killer is a person who murders three or more people, usually in service of abnormal psychological gratification, with the murders taking place over more than a month and including a significant break (a “cooling off period”) between them. Different authorities apply different criteria when designating serial killers; while most set a threshold of three murders, others extend it to four or lessen it to two. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), for example, defines serial killing as “a series of two or more murders, committed as separate events, usually, but not always, by one offender acting alone”.
      Although psychological gratification is the usual motive for serial killing, and most serial killings involve sexual contact with the victim, the FBI states that the motives of serial killers can include anger, thrillseeking, financial gain, and attention seeking. The murders may be attempted or completed in a similar fashion, and the victims may have something in common: age group, appearance, gender, or race, for example.”

      That does not apply to Mother Nature. Nature does not kill, Nature is no murderer. Death is an integral part of Nature, there would be no life without death. But there would be life without serial killers or murderers. Death is no murderer, Mother Nature is no murderer, but some human beings are.

      You know, if I’d have the power to prosecute and convict them, if I were a judge to do so, I’d say this to them:

      ” Nobody can escape the outcome of his very own actions in the long run, nobody can escape from reaping what he sowed. I will not hurt you, I will not put you in jail for the rest of your life or worse. I am free from hatred and the need for revenge. You are old geezers anyway, old geezers with sacks full of funny money. Death is close to you anyway. So, set yourself free, you can not take a single dollar with you, when you leave the Motel. But your actions will always follow you.”

      But sorry, I am no judge, I don’t have power, I am a nobody. I am exactly like you, I am just a guest in this Motel, a wanderer and I am not here to judge anybody, I am here to set myself free and let go. Oh, and I am here to enjoy the Music 😎

      ” It’s interesting to note that when we look at the major religions and Spiritualities of the world they are all about going someplace better when we pass.”

      Yoh, might be. But that doesn’t go for me, as I am not hoping for any better place for me personally. To me, it’s all about up and down, breathing in, breathing out, like the tides of the ocean. To me, it’s about the Music, I am here, to enjoy the Music and participate in it. To me, there is no eternal life and no eternal death.

      Let me put my message short:

      Nobody will ever escape the outcome of his very own actions in the long run. You will reap, what you sow. So take care of the Motel, because you are a guest, not the owner.

      ” To go on hating the management for trashing the motel makes no sense right? It was never about the motel.”

      As I said, I don’t hate anybody. But the Motel has to be handled with Love and Care, if only for the reason, that one or another one might come back another day. Or maybe just for the reason of Love and Care.

      Ray, I think, we might be closer to eachother, than we think. Like I said:

      From a perspective beyond time and space, everything is OK. From a perspective beyond the Motel, everything is OK. But we have to take care of the Motel within time and space as well. We have to take care of our actions. Always.



      • Ray says:

        I sometimes have a hard time understanding your position. Nature kills millions every day but nature is no serial killer. You blame the ones behind the corruption, but if you had the power to convict them in a court of law you would let them go free. What am I missing?


      • Nemesis says:


        You are missing nothing, we just got very different definitions of a “killer, murderer”. If you claim, that Mother Nature, the giver of life and everything, is a killer, a murderer, no problem, it’s your claim, not mine. To me, Mother Nature is no killer. There is a clear definition of murder, a clear definition of a killer. If you want to ignore the real definition of murder, of a killer, no problem. You don’t have to take notize of that definition I refered to, if you don’t want to:

        To excuse criminal acts of human beings by claiming, that Mother Nature is a killer, a murderer, makes absolutely no sense to me either. But it’s your very own claim, not mine. No problem, different people just got different viewpoints and worldviewes.

        To me, it’s all about dignity:

        We are and we get, what we do.

        That’s all I need, that’s all I want, that’s all I got.

        Back to my geetar, enjoying Music and Life.

        Have a beautiful day!


      • Ray says:

        I don’t believe it is nature that gives life. Science has shown now that the physical is no more than a projection of consciousness. Also, I never said they are not to blame because of nature. I said it does no good to blame them because we have no control over it, and one’s state of mind is more important. I also said if I were in a position to I would send them to prison.

        We see these things in a different light I guess. That’s perfectly fine. Who can really make sense of insanity like this anyway?


      • Nemesis says:


        ” Who can really make sense of insanity like this anyway?”

        I see. What’s that blog here good for then? Nothing. If you can’t make sense of insanity, maybe study psychology and psychiatry, because psychology and psychiatry make a lot of sense of insanity:

        Without dignity, truthfulness and honesty, Exxon Mobil, their funny money and their descendants will go down with the rest of it. That’s why I did not procreate, because I don’t have any trust in Exxon Mobil, I don’t have any trust in the rich folks et al, lucky, lucky me 🙂 See, Justice always prevails, just like Love always prevails.


      • Ray says:

        What would you say is the point of this blog? Insanity by definition makes no sense. I would say treatment is mostly geared towards helping the client to make a better choice. For example I recall this lady who believed the FBI was out to get her. Long story short the doctor sat down with her and went over all the man hours and resources the FBI would had to have devoted to it. She soon realized that she had gone funny in the head and shotly recovered.


      • soundhill1 says:

        “One student asked what Monsanto was doing to counter the “bad science” around their work. Dr. Moar, perhaps forgetting that this was a public event, then revealed that Monsanto indeed had “an entire department” (waving his arm for emphasis) dedicated to “debunking” science which disagreed with theirs.”

        I also remember Noam Chomsky speaking of the fossil industry admitting they have set out to generate confusion. I think the technique is to make your words look plausible then add in confusing statements. Not too much, same as when you are swinging an election result never make a landslide. I do find it suspicious that so many elections these days are won by a narrow margin.


      • Ray says:

        Thanks for the dignity song by the way. It’s the first time I’ve heard it.


      • Nemesis says:


        ” Insanity by definition makes no sense.”

        Insanity maybe makes no sense for most sane people. But insanity makes a lot if sense for insane people:

        Exxon Mobil et al made a lot of money through insanity- funny money makes a lot of sense for insane people.


  10. Ray says:

    “Nemesis wrote:
    You trust in god for love? Don’t worry, love will prevail.


    That’s exactly right! 😀


  11. Nemesis says:


    My last reply to Ray got lost in moderation^^

    I hear “don’t blame anyone!” almost every day, when it comes to anthropogenic climate change. But what does that mean? When someone lied to the public and spread false information about antropogenic climate change, about the effetcs of fossil fuels for many decades, is there really no one to blame then? Does anyone think, that anything will change, if no one is to blame? Are we not responsible for our very own actions? I mean, to me, this is the basis of survival, the basis of real dignity and it is the basis of civilization as well:

    We are and we get, what we do.

    Who is to blame for such things?:

    From that Eddie Bernice Johnson’s House Sci Committee letter to Lamar Smith…

    Scott K. Johnson (@SJvatn) July 10, 2016


    The full letter:

    How long will these ir– responsible games of the fossil industries and their henchmen go on? Are they not to blame for these kinda games for many decades? Is there really no one to blame? Does anyone think, that anything will change, if no one is to blame? Are we not responsible for our very own actions? I mean, to me, this is the very basis of survival, the very basis of real dignity and it is the very basis of civilization as well:

    We are and we get, what we do.

    ” 8.7.2016 – ExxonMobil: New Disclosures Show Oil Giant Still Funding Climate Science Denial Groups

    No, no, please, don’t blame Exxon Mobil, everything will be fine 😎


    • Ray says:

      I don’t think your reply is lost in moderation. I think it is just lost due to this malfunctioning forum. Why would any moderators flood the forum with all my attempts to get my reply posted? I have at least one reply that I posted yesterday that still hasn’t gotten posted yet. I will not make multiple attempts again because I don’t want another flood.


  12. Nemesis says:

    ” 8.7.2016 – ExxonMobil: New Disclosures Show Oil Giant Still Funding Climate Science Denial Groups”

    No, no, please, don’t blame Exxon Mobil 😎

    The antithesis of survival, dignity and civilization:



    • Nemesis says:


      ” ExxonMobil: New Disclosures Show Oil Giant Still Funding Climate Science Denial Groups””

      Simple question:

      Is Exxon Mobil to blame for STILL funding climate science denial groups or not?


      • Ray says:

        Blaming them does not serve me, so I don’t. There are people who get paid money to do it.


      • Nemesis says:


        ” There are people who get paid money to do it.”

        True. They get paid to do their job. Judges, attorneys and alike get paid to do their very job. That’s no news. And there is nothing wrong, to get paid for honestly doing one’s job. One of the main tasks of jurisdiction is to find out the Truth. The public, the citizens deserve the Truth. And beside that, Exxon Mobil themselves got their high payed attorneys as well, hundreds of them. See, that’s Justice:

        They are and they get, what they do. They use Jurisdiction themselves, to paint their picture of Truth and they will get the Truth. They paint their picture of Justice, so they will get Justice. They live within the Motel, not ouside. They use the furniture within the Motel, they use the rules within the Motel, so they will get furniture and rules according to the rules and furniture within the Motel.

        If some folks lied to you, if some folks would have destroyed the future of your children just for funny money and if some folks would STILL go on doing so- wouldn’t you blame them too? Would you say:

        ” I don’t blame you, I am holy Jesus, I live completely outside the Motel, so I will simply do nothing to defend my life nor the lifes of my children nor the Motel.”

        Would you do so? And if so, what might your children say then?


      • Ray says:

        That’s a hypothetical. I figured out a log time ago I didn’t want to bring any children into this world. Such an idea is foreign to me.


      • Nemesis says:

        I did not procreate as well, because I don’t trust the system. But I care for the children of this world and I care for Mother Nature.


    • Nemesis says:


      See, “The Wall Street Journal” does not like to blame Exxon Mobil et al for anthropogenic climate change denial, just like you do:

      ” Prosecuting Climate Dissent

      Sheldon Whitehouse got his man. The Rhode Island Senator has been lobbying for prosecutions of oil and gas companies over climate change, and New York Attorney General and progressive activist Eric Schneiderman has now obliged by opening a subpoena assault on Exxon Mobil. This marks a dangerous new escalation of the left’s attempt to stamp out all disagreement on global-warming science and policy.…

      Damned, why does capitalism resp. “The Wall Street Journal” not like prosecution of anthropogenic climate change denial ?! I can tell you:

      Because capitalism resp. “The Wall Street Journal” knows, that prosecution of anthropogenic climate change denial is INCOMPATIBLE with PROFIT, the TRUTH is incompatible with Wall Street 😎 But I got a different message and it goes like this:

      Funny economic profit (colored papers, fiddling numbers) is incompatible with survival.

      But they will NEVER ever learn that, until we meet at the boneyard alltogether.

      Message to Wall Street:

      You will go down with the rest of it !


  13. Nemesis says:

    Time to wake up: The denial apparatus:


    • Nemesis says:


      See, avoiding to blame anthropogenic climate change deniers like Exxon Mobil et al, while hoping for substantial change and climate mitigation makes absolutely no sense at all. This is why reasonable people BLAME Exxon Mobil et al. Reasonable people CARE for the children and they care for Mother Nature. If you want to stop perpetrators, you need to BLAME them.


    • Nemesis says:


      ” My point is it’s not up to me to stop them. It never was.”

      I see. Exxon Mobil et al surely would second that.


      • Nemesis says:

        Let there be Music


      • Nemesis says:

        What is Sir Paul Beckwith’s honorable, enlightening work good for, if nobody ever tries to stop the CAUSE of our planetary climate misery and if nobody blames the perpetrators, who STILL go on with their dirty business ?! I have no money and therefore no power, to stop the denial of the fossil fuel industries (so, please Mr. Koch et al, don’t be afraid of me, haha)- but at least, in the name of Love and Truth and Dignity, I can tell it like it is. Now, is that a violation of the freedom of speech, like Exxon Mobil et al tells us ?! Do I blame some folks by telling it like it is ?! Well, then I gotta blame some folks.

        When you silenced all critical voices globally, dear Exxon Mobil et al, then your job will ultimately be done, once and for all, ultimately, because then you silenced critical thinking alltogether. Suppression of critical thinking is one of the main causes, that brought us into the mess:

        Abuse of intelligence through sheer profit oriented technological exploitation, while supressing critical thinking and free, critical speech, is suicide. THAT’S the lesson to learn from history.

        “ If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

        ― George Washington

        “ Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”

        ― Benjamin Franklin


  14. Nemesis says:

    Anyone surprised about terror groups like Boko Harum or ISIS? I am not surprised. I just have to think about, what happened and still happens to the african continent during colionalism and recent corporate-neo-colonialism. The situation in many african countries is a complete desaster, a constant situation of devastation, hopelessness and sheer horror. Most of the victims are civil citizens, as usual, not terrorists, not soldiers. Civil citizens get killed by terrorists and get also killed by soldiers or police.

    Look at Nigeria for instance. The civil population gets wiped by Boko Haram terrorists and police/soldiers. It’s a nightmare, it’s the dirty price for dirty (western!) exploitation of african oil for instance:

    ” 3.6.2016 – How Corruption And Oil Crime Are Tearing Nigeria Apart

    Political risk has always been a part of oil business, and today’s situation in Nigeria is no exception. Over the past several months the insurgency in the Niger River delta has devastated the Nigerian oil industry, with the country’s production being halved from 2.2 to 1.4 million barrels per day. The severity of attacks not only affected Nigeria’s oil production, but also the global markets. Accordingly, Angola has surpassed Nigeria as Africa’s largest oil producer while global oil prices have hiked to $49 per barrel…”

    ” Drill and Kill: Nigeria’s Oil Crimes

    “There is a symbiotic relationship between the military dictatorship and the multinational companies who grease the palms of those who rule… They are assassins in foreign lands. They drill and they kill in Nigeria.”…

    The Nigerian government has turned a blind eye to the people’s suffering, but instead has been ready, willing and able to aid western oil companies by brutally repressing those who would dare stand up for their basic human rights. The oil industry in the Niger Delta involves both the government of Nigeria and subsidiaries of multinational companies like Shell, Chevron, Exxon-Mobil, Agip, Total (formerly known as Elf) and Texaco (now merged with Chevron), with Shell being the main operator on land. The majority of cases reported and investigated by Amnesty International relate to Shell.

    Genocid, eco crimes of unimaginable proportions, commited for OIL/Petro dollars. We should not forget:

    The price for oil is not “only” anthropogenic, global climate change, but sheer murder too. Are we afraid of african terror groups like Boko Haram and ISIS? Well, maybe greedy, dirty exploitation of whole continents should stop, if we don’t want to see that terror spreading more and ever more over the planet until it’s at our very own doorstep.


    • Nemesis says:

      We will never ever survive as a species, if the dirty drill and kill money gamez do not stop. We need a complete, Global Change of Paradigm and it goes like this (with hugs and kisses from Mother Earth):

      ” Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu – chapter 76

      A man is born gentle and weak.
      At his death he is hard and stiff.
      Green plants are tender and filled with sap.
      At their death they are withered and dry.

      Therefore the stiff and unbending is the disciple of death.
      The gentle and yielding is the disciple of life.

      Thus an army without flexibility never wins a battle.
      A tree that is unbending is easily broken.

      The hard and strong will fall.
      The soft and weak will overcome.”


      • Ray says:



      • Nemesis says:

        Hey there, Ray! Btw:

        ” 18.7.2016 – Déjà vu: as with tobacco, the climate wars are going to court

        The fossil fuel industry copied Big Tobacco’s racketeering playbook. They’re following the same path to court, where tobacco lost

        Investigative journalism has uncovered a “web of denial” in which polluting industries pay “independent” groups to disseminate misinformation to the public and policymakers. The same groups and tactics were employed first by the tobacco industry, then fossil fuel companies. Big Tobacco has been to court and lost; now it’s Big Oil’s turn. Political leaders are choosing sides in this war.

        Research by Inside Climate News revealed that Exxon did top notch climate science research in the late 1970s and early 1980s, which revealed the dangers its products posed via climate change. Soon thereafter, Exxon launched misinformation campaigns by funding “think tanks” and front groups to manufacture doubt about climate science and the expert consensus on human-caused global warming.

        Exxon wasn’t alone. Koch Industries, Peabody Energy, and other fossil companies have similarly funneled vast sums of money to these groups. Last week, Senate Democrats, including presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and vice presidential contenders Elizabeth Warren and Al Franken signed a Resolution expressing congressional disapproval of the fossil fuel industry’s misinformation campaign. 19 Senate Democrats also took to the floor of the Senate to speak out against the web of denial, with repeated references to the tobacco/fossil connections…”


      • Ray says:

        Now that we’ve finally triggered runaway global warming it will be entertaining to see how the end plays out. Everybody puffed up over things that have long become irrelevant …


      • Nemesis says:


        Runaway climate change is called out by people like McPherson for many years now. Yes, I know, he’d love to see that, humanity going extinct. You think it will be entertaining ? I see^^ Well, then this entire blog here would be just entertainment from now on and could as well be closed.


      • Nemesis says:


        Go and tell your opinion, that we are finished anyway, to the innocent children of this world, who did NO crime, like Exxin Mobil and all the other criminal suckers. Ah, no, you don’t need to tell that my children, as I have none.

        “Entertaining”– man, you suck.


      • Ray says:

        You can carry on this rant without me now. Goodbye.


    • Nemesis says:


      Well, please dont forget to “entertain” the children of the Exxon Mobil et al suckers with your story as well ! 😎


  15. Nemesis says:

    You think, that quote of the Tao Te King is “nice”? Muhahaha, wait, until you see it happen 😎


  16. Nemesis says:

    15.7.2016 – How the Right Wing Denial Machine Distorts the Climate Change Discourse –
    By Michael Mann

    It is an instructive ontological exercise to follow this particular affair—from its inception through the latest developments, sort of like observing a deviant version of the game “telephone” (or “Chinese whispers” for British readers) wherein the participants are actually trying to distort the message as it is passed along from one person to the next…


  17. Nemesis says:

    See, JUSTICE against the criminal causes of climate change and other eco crimes is on the way:

    ” A.G. Schneiderman Announces Suit Against Volkswagen Alleging Company Sold Illegally Polluting Cars

    New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey and Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh announced lawsuits today against Volkswagen AG and its affiliates Audi AG and Porsche AG, as well as their American subsidiaries, for the automakers’ sale of diesel automobiles (including over 25,000 in New York, 15,000 in Massachusetts and 12,935 in Maryland) that were fitted with illegal “defeat devices” that concealed illegal amounts of harmful emissions these cars spewed– and then allegedly attempting to cover-up their behavior.”

    Btw: Schneiderman is the leading attourney against Exxon Mobil et al’s climate crimes as well.

    “ These suits should serve as a siren in every corporate board room, that if any company engages in this type of calculated and systematic illegality, we will bring the full force of the law — and seek the stiffest possible sanctions — to protect our citizens,” Schneiderman said.”


  18. Pingback: Geo-engineering 101: De geschiedenis van klimaatmodificatie | Lang Leve Europa!

  19. Pingback: Shock horror, "Jet Stream Crosses Equator" ... oh wait ... - Skeptical Science

  20. Pingback: Scientists declare 'global climate emergency' after jet stream crosses equator | Environmental Future

  21. Dale Lanan says:

    Nemesis and Ray, music has a way of adding perspective and rest. For instance lyric ‘nothing lasts forever but the Earth and Sky’ from Dust in the Wind, sung in the perspective of today w knowledge of science from NASA Earth and physics advances since the digital age of snap 1-0.


  22. Dale Lanan says:

    Back in year 1722, Benjamin Franklin egged those who jailed his Brother and Freedom of Speech:. Sky Clarity was IR OK.
    Now at T minus 300 since the Trump-Russia conspiracy at Shadow -The Sky is infra red Trapping and Ocean pH is going acidic. Absolute nature of closed system thermodynamics applies Entropy.
    Absolute bearing of direction to undo Extinction 6 is to snap world enterprise to base Earth Real 2C where the work we do not do to harm Earth counts as positive and Star Industry Adjusts pH.
    The physical terms of heat transfer at law need to trump what is likely etched into DNA w Midas.
    We as a specie with our invention of Bank notes and Corporate have created a Closed // Universe where the self gratification of power blinds and creates a madness that is flat counter to Earth HZ.


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