Please Donate to Paul

Click here to make a Donation to Paul Beckwith(Climate System Scientist) at PayPal.  You do NOT need to have a PayPal account. Very easy to do with a credit card.

Your generosity is very much appreciated. It will be put to good use to ensure the continuation of my work producing videos and blogs that educate people about the enormous risks that we all face from abrupt climate change. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

85 Responses to Please Donate to Paul

  1. Just donated to your efforts. I’m so grateful to you for your work and energy. Please don’t ever become too “slick”…… never loose the backscratcher or the cats, they add to your charm. Thank you, Paul!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. mbrunt says:

    I just donated also, we need to keep getting the truth out there, it is far from fair to have our children facing disastrous weather conditions whilst many simply pretend nothing is happening.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Liam ONeill says:

    Hi – I tried to donate but I am from the US and the drop-down menu contains only
    Canadian provinces. I always look forward to the latest videos on abrupt cc.


  4. Steve Dorland says:

    Also just left a donation, Paul. I just watched your video on the gas surge in CA this morning — I’m holding my breath (not really intended, but you know.. 🙂 ) Thanks so much for all that you’re doing. I’m trying to spread the word, and you help a lot.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Like Liam, cannot make a donation because I am from U.S. and do not have (nor want) a paypal acct. Do you have a solution for this? Please fix or provide an alternative. Lotta people here in the U.S.A.


  6. Paul Beckwith, you rock! And you too, Kevin Hester!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. kwklein says:

    Just donated. Since humans will not do much of anything about population, nothing will be done to address climate change – except to make things even hotter and more unstable. Oh wait, we will continue to mock Paul Ehrlich and the 1970s Limits2Growth report. Humans – not smarter than yeast. Civilization is a heat engine. It will continue at all costs, including a livable planet. For humans and so many other innocent species. Sadly.


  8. Hi Paul, I just made my first donation and plan to donate more as I can. I’m from the the Midwest of U.S.A. I’ve been watching you on youtube for a few years now. Thank you for all the information and keeping us informed.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Anne H Chalabi says:

    Just donated. Thank you Paul for tirelessly telling the truth, and getting it out there.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. We should donate so much that Paul can dedicate himself full-time to educating the public (and politicians..)

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Holy Crap! Finally! Paul, luv u as a planetary defender, but as a $ grubber u r a failure! Someone FINALLY got off their dead ass and fixed this! Donated my US $50 and hereby challenge the rest of the USA interested in your work to do the same.

    Thank you for your tireless and relentlessly variable presentations attempting to bring our attention to the most important topic the human race has ever faced. The topic is frightening, depressing, near paralyzing when examined thoroughly.

    Thank you for fighting so hard for all of us in the face of all that is aligned against us.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Jon Ross says:

    Great work Mr Beckwith.

    I have donated 50 dollars to your cause. You have great content, a message with purpose, and people are getting your message. I have learned a lot about climate watching your videos. Keep up the great work. I am educating others what you have taught me and letting them know about your work. I look forward to seeing more content in the future.

    Thank you


    Jon Ross

    Liked by 1 person

  13. My fellow Americans,

    Memorial Day approaches when we honor those that have defended our country, our principles, our interests to the ultimate limit, their very lives.

    Here, we have a man attempting to defend our entire planet. He is reaching out in every way he can find, to ensure the survival of as much life as possible upon the most precious jewel we have ever encountered, planet EARTH. Please take a brief moment and support his efforts upon our behalf.

    Sixtyfour years old, not sure when I might be able to retire, I have sent Paul $50/USA to continue his valiant efforts. Before you send another $50 to Donald or Hillary or Bernie, please consider sending $50 to Paul to continue fighting for ALL of us. This is a battle we cannot afford to lose.

    Bob Schmidt
    Tampa, Florida

    Liked by 1 person

  14. gaylemadeira says:

    Just donated Paul, you are doing an incredible service for all of humanity. I’ve been sharing your videos and articles for a few months and will keep donating as I’m able.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. says:

    Paul, made another donation from my fixed income. Not much but what I can afford. Thanks for info minus the physics equations that would put it out of my reach. My question for the day is: is anyone looking at Antarctica? Its supposed to be winter and this week it hit +5 C. Also does not the fact that the ice over/in the water is cantilevered change the dynamics of water displacement? And thus sea level change.


  16. Mark McIntire says:

    I just made another small donation to Paul for all his hard work. I really enjoy all his videos and I know he spends a lot of his free time to provide all of us with this great information. Thank you Paul!!


  17. Reta Martin says:

    Hi Paul,
    Thanks for all this work you do. In your recent video you again told us there will be food shortages especially now that the melting in the Arctic changes to “abrupt”. Are you and yours putting by food? Or are you just too busy educating?
    For anyone who reads this, I want to say I found a thought provoking film on You Tube titled ’22 After’. Umph.
    I tried 10 days ago to send you money via PayPal. It wouldn’t complete my attempted transaction. Five days ago I tried again and presto!
    Aloha and mahalo,
    Reta of Kona


  18. Ava DeLorenzo says:

    Paul, Some of us dont use Pay Pal. Can you accept U.S. checks or is there some other way like a gifting site, eg., I appreciate the huge amount of energy, mental and emotional, that you must expend toward waking up the sleeping world.


  19. Jon says:

    I made a modest donation to thank you for your good work educating the layman about climate change/weirding. As North Americans, we should not be taking secure food supply for granted. If food becomes un-affordable to large numbers of previously well fed people, we are all going to be at risk.


  20. Damien Le Goff says:

    I deeply thank you for your job and for these videos that made it available for us, as non scientists, to know what is currently occurring on this planet. Your videos are greatly appreciated and help a lot to understand better the global picture of climate change. I am really supportive of your work and I chose to make a donation on a monthly basis.
    Thank you again for your dedicated work. This is surely unprecedented !
    Damien Le Goff


  21. Nikolaj Lunoee says:

    Hi Paul. Please keep up the good work! I am an engineer who have followed the science and debate for the last 10 years and we really need people like you to drive this change of mindset home. As a Danish national living in the US I am still baffled with how well the media have been successful in misinforming the people in the US. Thanks for all the hard work.


  22. Etienne Le Goff says:

    Hi Paul, I deeply appreciate the quality of your work and the way you explain things. Making these informations clear and available helps people like us to understand more about what is occurring and then talk about it with others, trying to make them realize the dire situation we are in. And then thinking about how to minimize our impact on the planet. I am really thankful for the good work. I will give you on a monthly basis.


  23. I hit your pages probably once a week to get a fresh picture. I so deeply appreciate the chance to learn about the tools I can use, and to benefit from your expertise in beginning to understand them for myself. I worked for a dozen years as an academic whose income was at or below the poverty level in order to work on projects with American Indians in the region, and I feel your pain. I’m above poverty level now, woo hoo!, so sending but a wee contribution. To the underdogs and the power of learning.


  24. Claudia says:

    Just donated! Paul, please take a moment and set it up so people can choose the currency they want to use, and have it default to US dollars — that way, you’re likely to get a bit more as I’m sure most of your US donors have no idea they’re actually donating a third less than intended. I would suggest putting the actual donation link in your video captions, instead of just linking to the homepage of your site; the easier it is for people to do, they more likely they are to do so.

    Thanks again for all your hard work, it makes a TREMENDOUS difference! All the best in 2017 to you and yours!


  25. Andy Farrell says:

    Keep up the great work Paul. Just made a donation.


  26. William Goedecke says:

    Hi Paul – Apparently this has occurred before – I cannot donate since I am in California and the paypal page only has the drop down for provinces. I appreciate your efforts.


  27. Harold Hensel says:

    Your leadership is important.


  28. Signe Ulstrup says:

    Hello Paul.

    Thanks for all the great videos, and important information. I would like to donate, but I dont have a Paypal account. Is it possible to use MobilePay?


  29. John Paterson says:

    Donate when I can Paul. Awesome learning experience.


  30. Kath says:

    Just sent you some money from myself and Dale L. Keep up the good fight.


  31. Wayne Hoooper says:

    I just made a small donation, a pittance compared to the invaluable service you are doing. I have been watching your videos since last year and it is clear the situation is deteriorating at a rapid rate
    and you seem to have become more pessimistic in recent months for good reason. The book FAREWELL TO ICE won’t be available until Sept. so please keep sharing what you can. Thank you.


  32. Jo Whitehead says:

    Good on you Paul! Someone out there has to keep chipping away at those who are in denial and your regular YouTube lectures are, I am sure having a real effect. I only hope that one of the major world news agencies (like Al Jazeera) will approach you to assist them to get your non biased and non politically motivated facts out there to the mass public. They need to know. I also just donated to your efforts.


  33. Aterukia says:

    Just donated a small amount, I suppose every little bit helps. Paul’s videos are very informative and I appreciate the work put into them.


  34. Paul Murphy says:

    Your efforts are appreciated.


  35. Griffin says:

    Hi Paul,
    Just gave a small donation, but I hope it helps. Thanks for sharing such important information and making it easy to understand. Your work is admirable.
    All the best.


  36. nicibiene says:

    Just sent sou a little donation. Hope you will find a new teaching position! Already read a lot, including Peter Wadhams “Farewell to ice”. It is really a pity that book is not available in German. I found it really good in logical structure, much better than “Storms to my grandchildren” of Hansen which is my self chosen holiday torture at the moment. 😁 Keep going, Paul! Science needs to speak the truth to people directly, when politics and media fail. And they fail also her in Germany, speaking loud same phrases, doing nothing.


  37. Harmen Bos says:

    Hello Paul, thanks for your great work, Just donated 40 CAD. Maybe some students wants to participate in your online teaching and ask some questions to make it more interactive.


  38. GR Hollman says:

    Larsen shelf gone!


  39. Marthe says:

    Thank you for all your work. I’m astounded at how media & politicians keep us in the dark/appear so unconcerned. Nice to get local perspective re: flood fm you as I live in Gatineau. Sent you something on June 26 in appreciation, hope you got it. It’s a depressing business esp with recent news so take time to relax. Bonne chance Paul et merci encore.


  40. Jackie says:

    Things are moving quickly now, Paul. I’ve tried to tell others how serious the situation is for years, but the denial among even my scientific colleagues is amazing, but then most are stuck in the lab or behind a computer and they are not field scientists such as my self. And, you’re right… science leads to over specialization. Personally, we are in the process of looking for property even further north than west central PA once for retirement in a year of two to provide a leg up to our grown children.

    Good luck, and keep up the good work. And, like Dad always said, spend that money wisely!

    Oh, and let Alex know I had a strange call from Russia about a month ago. No message left and I am unwilling to call back since I don’t know a soul in Russia. That combined with another strange incident on FB turned me off to the entire FB thing. Hopefully, my work promoting the show in the past will yield results in future lives saved. Miss you and Alex, never miss the show, but still on Tw.


  41. Chris Amar says:

    Paul, please consider setting up PayPal to allow monthly donations. I’d like to donate 5 to 10 dollars US, per month, but this PayPal page isn’t allowing this choice. And I know I won’t remember each month to donate.

    Great videos, as always!


  42. Aterukia says:

    Donated some more (100 CAD, with more possible coming shortly depending on my budget), I suggest using the money to stock up on food and water as things might get ugly after this year’s Arctic sea ice melt season.


  43. Jorma says:

    I sort of see Paul needs proper lunch for his effort every now and then, 20 bucks does that just fine. It has been pleasure to hear these presentations.


  44. selfless88 says:

    Thanks Paul . Have a free lunch or breakfast on me. Keep up the great work and please save us all from ourselves!


  45. Paul, made another pitiful donation. Awaiting a winning lotto ticket to do something more substantial. Appreciate your tireless efforts at education and solutions. Time has never been so precious. And here we are burdened with an Anti-Christ President. Please hug your family everyday. Your efforts take time from them that we and the planet desperately need, but they need the hugs. The hugs may do more for them than we can now do for our planet. It is that frightenly grim. May the forces of the universe bless you and yours. All of this will go the usual path or we will be the exception and survive. Either way it will all go on, the cosmic dance will continue, and we may reappear in another time and place with subconscious memories that will guide us towards a fuller answer.


  46. Jim Reeve says:

    I just tried to make a donation of $200 but there was a major FUCK up. I hate these credit cards. Please accept the Postal Money Order method of payment. Please make this option available.


  47. John Nunn says:

    Your videos are important, Paul, and have been instrumental for me to better understand the climate and its risks. I follow your idea of the three legged bar stool and imply the consequences of our society not acting now at what is likely the inflection point between climate paradigms. I did not see an automatic monthly or per video contribution method on PayPal and will try to make it monthly on my own.


  48. Simon Pearson says:

    Thanks for your invaluable work Paul. I find that you are my “go to” so that I can keep up to date and understand the dynamics of our rapidly changing climate. Glad to chip in from an increasingly, unpleasantly hot Australia.


  49. Larry Taylor says:

    Dear Paul,
    You scratch my back and I won’t have an itch anymore. But I am allergic to cats. Can I link to your videos and/or blog with my site? I am moving to Ecothierrens and I will be shouting for the Swiss to start a Green Revolution. Do you have any numbers on Pet Coke since this seems to be the new coal that the Koch Brothers are sending around the world as an alternative to coal. At least that is the way it was mentioned in an article. I had thought that it was a waste product from Tar Sands, when I thought it was from coal burning. Are they using it to burn in other countries? What is the carbon stomp print?


  50. Roger Hofer says:

    Thank you for providing such excellent videos, Paul. Your work touches many lives, including mine, and I find them very valuable. Keep up the good work!


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